Arrival & Departure

All info on buses and trains in the public transportation network
All info on P&R options
All info on parking for coaches and road closures
For a relaxed journey to Koblenz, we recommend using buses and trains as well as the special transport services of the regional transport companies. In addition, the Park & Ride service for the Koblenz Summer Festival will take all car drivers from the designated parking spaces at the city limits to Koblenz Old Town, and we would be delighted if Koblenz residents from the city centre came on foot or by bike.
Bonus tip: After the end of the fireworks, a large crowd is expected on the buses and trains travelling immediately afterwards. The programme has been extended until midnight to help ease the crowds, and many stalls will be open until 2 a.m. on Saturday night. So enjoy the exuberant atmosphere at the Koblenz Summer Festival even after the fireworks and take advantage of the extensive local transport services late into the night!